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Series of books under common title Chrissie’s important conversations about the world

How to teach a child taking decisions independently, especially when they are in contradiction to lifestyle, fashion and views of everyone around? How to teach a child that “to be” is in fact more important than “to have”. How to develop in a child so strong courage, which would help him to follow his own way and to behave justly? How to win with civilization of your child humanity?

Entire series, written by Malgorzata D. Klaczynska, is devoted to important social topics.
Chrissie, main character of the series and her few friends lives in a small village, far away from the big civilization. Children during their adventures come across various unusual situations. At the beginning the situations they are experiencing seems to them to be only part of their child’s world, later they inquire that in reality they are part of something very important.

Books for sensitive to other human and the future of parent’s world and for children, who understand more than their parents think.

conversations about the tolerance book Chrissie, main character of series for the first time comes in contact with phenomenon of intolerance. In a group of her friends there is one girl, who in fact, others want to exclude. What makes the girl different from her peers? Can decision about excluding her bring anything good? While Chrissie and her friends seek for answers to those questions her dad and grandpa turns out to be very helpful. During not trite conversations with them, children learn what consequences bring tolerant behaviour and what consequences bring intolerant behaviour. Is tolerance having any limits and could something justify intolerance?
On sale first volume of series: Conversations about the tolerance, Gdansk 2013
[Polish edition: Rozmowy o tolerancji] - is available in bookshops and online


conversations about the tolerance book After analysing tolerance time has come that Chrissie faces consumerism issue, the biggest problem of modern humanity. Chrissie as well as her friends encounter many difficult questions and serious decisions to be taken. Fortunately they can always count on Chrissie’s dad and grandpa, thanks to help of whom - step by step – they will solve the mystery that links buying new gadgets, toys, sweets or unnecessary clothes with freedom of mind, love for nature an responsibility for their own development and our entire planet.
On sale second volume of series: Conversations about consumerism, Gdansk 2014
[Polish edition: Rozmowy o konsumpcjonizmie] - is available in bookshops and online. In preparation third volume of series: Conversations about homosexuality,
[Polish edition: Rozmowy o homoseksualności]